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Web presences

good-will.ch Circle of Good Will
blog.good-will.ch Blog: “Flowers on the Wayside“
facebook.com/ludger.philips on Facebook (English)
facebook.com/circleofgoodwill Circle of Good Will on Facebook
facebook.com/guterwille Circle of Good Will on Facebook (German)
flickr.com/photos/ludgerphilips Flickr
youtube.com/user/ludgerphilips Videos

Spiritual background

worldteachertrust.org The World Teacher Trust (WTT). Cooperation in the Executive Board of WTT-Global; responsible for communication and coordination

sripada-srivallabha.org Realisation of the website, book publication work, German translation of the biography of Sripada Srivallabha, Avatar of Lord Dattatreya,

The website

The site was realised by my friend Murat Cevik as a present. A warm thank you!